Florianópolis, Sábado, 29 de Março de 2025


Aresc visita agência reguladora do estado do RJ para trocar experiências

Members of the Santa Catarina Public Services Regulatory Agency - Aresc, visited the Rio de Janeiro-Agenersa Regulatory Agency for Energy and Basic Sanitation on Tuesday (07/19). The group represented by the Director of Institutional Relations of Aresc, Ari João Martendal; by the Regulation Manager, Silvio Rosa; and the regulatory technicians Cintia Pimentel, Marnio Graciosa and Jorge Augusto Perozin have been exchanging experiences, especially in the area of regulation of the public services of piped gas with Agenersa, since Aresc is developing regulations for the supervision in the field of this sector. Since 1997, the regulatory agency in Rio de Janeiro has been responsible for regulating and supervising the concession contracts for the public services for the distribution of piped gas in the State of Rio,

"Como ocorreu uma fusão das agências de Santa Catarina (Agesc e Agesan), criando-se a Aresc, a mesma está iniciando o processo de regulação e fiscalização de gás canalizado, considera o Gerente de Regulação da Aresc, Sílvio da Rosa." Estamos visitando as agências reguladoras de outros estados que têm mais expertise. Essa troca de informações com a Agenersa é muito importante para verificarmos o que deu certo no processo da regulação e fiscalização do gás canalizado e as maiores dificuldades no decorrer dos anos para podermos superá-las. A experiência vai nos possibilitar ganhar tempo e custo para atingirmos nossa meta a curto prazo bem como iniciarmos a fiscalização da Companhia de Gás de Santa Catarina", acrescenta Sílvio.

The group was received by Agenersa's advisor and also is ABAR's Regional Vice-President, Moacyr Fonseca; Moacyr, by the vice-president of Agenersa, adviser Luigi Troisi; by the managers of the Technical Chambers, Jorge Calfo (CAENE), Fábio Côrtes (CAPET) and Oldemar Guimarães (CASAN); by Executive Secretary Cinthia Pitz and by the overseer Maria Clara Canedo.

On July 20 and 21, Aresc's Inspection Management was accompanying Agenersa in the technical visits to the CEG and CEG RIO concessionaires, operation center and laboratories. These visits were attended by the Aresc Supervision Manager, Luiza Borges and the technicians Paulo Cesar Cardoso, Ricardo Cesconetto, Rodrigo Amorim and Nilton de Sá Júnior. The group was received by Ceg's Director of Network Management, Katia Repsold.



visit agenersa02

Photos: Ascom Agenersa

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